Thursday, January 22, 2015

Back at the Blog

Well, it looks like I am back at it folks! I am taking a class called Business and Professional Writing this semester and I have been tasked to write three blog posts a week related to my major or future career.

To get a taste of what my posts will be about for the rest of the semester I will give a brief background on myself and outline some of the things I passionately care for.

I am a senior at North Dakota State University majoring in Crop and Weed Sciences and Agricultural Economics with a minor in Soil Science. I grew up on a small farm in western North Dakota and through agricultural youth programs like 4-H and the National FFA Organization, I grew a voracious passion for plants and agriculture. I love spending time out in fields and identifying plants, weeds, insects, etc. Since coming to college I have completed three internships related to agronomy in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota and will be moving to Illinois this summer for a fourth summer internship. My passion lies with helping growers achieve more with sound agronomic advice and proven research.

While growing up I viewed living in the middle of nowhere as a huge hindrance. Living thirty miles from town meant not being able to see friends or do all of the cool things that my peers were doing, like watching the latest movie or playing the funnest new video game. Since then I have developed a deep appreciation for home and the place that molded me into who I am today. The biggest difference I notice going from Fargo to back home is the sound, or lack thereof. It is one of the most wonderful sensations to sit still and appreciate the absence of sound. I haven't been able to replicate that experience in the hustle and bustle of Fargo but silence is a rare phenomena and I am thankful when I get to experience it at home.

An evening at home.

Some of my passions outside of agriculture include photography, education, travel, history, people, and books. A lot of these other passions tie into agriculture in some way, shape or form. I hope to use this blog to tie all of my passions together for the common goal of sharing great stories in agriculture. 

Until next time,


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