Saturday, February 28, 2015

NDSU Ag Week

Although a long time coming, North Dakota State University will finally be holding a weeklong event celebrating the university's roots: agriculture.

The NDSU Ag Week Coalition, a group of students representing almost all of the NDSU College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources's student organizations, has been holding meetings since late last year to set up and organize activities for the week.

NDSU hasn't always been called NDSU. Starting in 1890, North Dakota Agricultural College opened its doors to students as a land-grant university, provided for by the Morrill Act. The mission of land-grant universities, as stated in the 1862 Morrill Act, is to focus on teaching of practical agriculture, science, military science and engineering.

Agriculture has been and continues to be a huge part of the North Dakota economy. The prevalence of agriculture in ND and related opportunities is reflected in the size of the NDSU CAFSNR. The CAFSNR is the second largest college on NDSU's campus, just behind the College of Engineering.

Activities for NDSU's Ag Week will begin on Monday, April 13th and will proceed until Friday, April 17th. Throughout the week NDSU students, faculty, employees and Fargo community members can take part in the following exciting activities:

- Available for purchase on Monday - Purchasing of new NDSU CAFSNR T-Shirts
- Monday Grill-Out on Shepperd Lawn
- Tuesday is Meat Day and the day of the Beef 5K
- Wednesday is Grain Day and the first day Farmland is available for viewing on campus
- Thursday is Dairy Day and Play 360 games will be played on campus
- Friday is Banquet day where the top 10 seniors in the CAFSNR will be recognized and where Steve Stark will give a keynote address

Information about the week and its activities can be found by following this link.

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