Saturday, February 21, 2015

North Dakota Agri-Women

Around Easter last year, I decided to apply for a scholarship through my sorority, Sigma Alpha, to attend a Fly-In in Washington, D.C. with American Agri-Women. I didn't think too much about it; I applied and waited with hopes I would be accepted to go.

About three days before the conference was to begin, I got an email saying I had won the scholarship and would be able to attend the Fly-In. Because of the short noticed, I frantically purchased plane tickets and hoped for safe travels. Two days later, just before I was to leave for D.C., I was at the North Dakota FFA convention to sell pop for an on-campus organization. While hauling water from my car to Bentson/Bunker Fieldhouse, I noticed someone walk by with a North Dakota Agri-Women name tag.

Still not knowing what I was getting myself into by attending the Fly-In, I decided that I would ask this woman with an Agri-Women name tag for her advice. Brash? Maybe. But I'm glad I asked. The woman I introduced myself to is the current state treasurer for North Dakota Agri-Women and she was more than happy to explain what Agri-Women do at the state and national levels. NDAW works on the state level to unify and serve as a voice for women in agriculture across the state. The group is in a state of renewed growth right now; it once had many more members than it does now but times for the group grew thin as interest waned from the mid-90s to the late 2000s. 

The AAW Fly-In group in D.C.
This afternoon NDAW held its annual meeting in Hillsboro. I was fortunate enough to attend and get a glimpse of what the group plans to do in the next year. A really cool way that NDAW promotes agriculture is by presenting a bond and gift basket to the first baby born in North Dakota on National Agriculture Day. Women on the committee drive to wherever the baby is born and present the prize in person. What a great and selfless way to promote ag. 

I look forward to becoming more involved and learning more about the organization. There are so many women across the state and nation that are knowledgeable about their operations and agriculture that can make a difference with NDAW and it's my hope to help promote NDAW so more of them can see the value in joining and participating. 

Cake to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of AAW.

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